Podge Lane, the troubadour draped in winter’s embrace, unveils a heartfelt tribute to the frosty season with his double A-side release, ‘Snow / Hailstone,’ slated for November 17th via Teip Records. Fresh off the heels of his sophomore album, ‘Common Country Misconceptions,’ Podge Lane harnesses his cherished alt-country melodies to paint a canvas that mirrors the dichotomy of winter’s promises and desolation.

In ‘Snow,’ Lane weaves a tapestry of melodious country balladry, tenderly accompanied by the resonant plucks of the banjo. Meanwhile, ‘Hailstones’ concocts a symphony of jangling metallic rhythms on the resonator guitar, trudging through each icy drop with poignant intensity. Known for his narrative prowess, Lane shares, “I wanted to explore the joy and stress that comes during winter in two completely separate tracks. ‘Snow’ lets the world stop, reminiscent of carefree childhood days, where nothing else mattered but watching and enjoying the snowfall. On the other hand, ‘Hailstone’ reflects the harsher reality of adulthood, where unexpected hailstones disrupt plans, forcing you to seek shelter and evade their relentless descent.”
As Lane concludes his triumphant ‘Common Country Tour 2023’ across Ireland and the UK, the anticipation for ‘Snow / Hailstone’ surges, setting the stage for what promises to be an exciting chapter in Podge Lane’s musical journey throughout 2024.
Get In Touch with PODGE LANE on official website, Facebook, Spotify, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter