Overthrust’s “Infected By Myth”: A Track-by-Track Review

Overthrust’s album *Infected By Myth* is a thrilling ride through the landscape of modern death metal. Each track offers a distinct experience while maintaining a cohesive brutal sound that is sure to satisfy fans of the genre. The album kicks off with “Fallen Witches,” a powerful opener that immediately grabs attention with its aggressive riffs and relentless drumming. The song sets a high bar for the rest of the album, combining ferocious guitar work with guttural vocals that establish Overthrust’s intense tone. Next is the title track, “Infected,” which continues the assault with its driving rhythms and chaotic energy. The song’s brutal pace and intricate guitar solos demonstrate the band’s technical skill while keeping the energy levels high. It’s a no-nonsense track that serves as a perfect representation of the album’s overall theme. “Slaves of Myth” delivers a blend of relentless aggression and haunting melodies. The track’s dark atmosphere is complemented by a relentless rhythm section, making it a standout for its ability to blend brutality with a sense of foreboding. The song’s structure builds tension throughout, culminating in a powerful climax.


Foetus Initiation” follows with a mix of complex riffs and pounding drums. This track showcases Overthrust’s ability to craft intricate compositions while maintaining an unyielding aggressive edge. The song’s breakdowns are particularly notable, adding a layer of intensity that keeps listeners engaged. With “Demon Grave,” the band explores a more atmospheric sound without losing their edge. The track combines eerie melodies with brutal rhythms, creating a chilling but engaging listening experience. It’s a song that balances mood and aggression effectively, providing a brief respite from the relentless pace of the album. “Overthrust Deathmental” brings back the high energy with a track that feels like a tribute to the band’s death metal roots. The song’s high tempo and aggressive riffs are perfectly suited for headbanging, and its no-holds-barred approach to metal is a testament to the band’s authenticity.


Poltergeist of Torment” shifts the album’s tone slightly, offering a more atmospheric introduction before plunging back into intense rhythms. This track’s use of dark, atmospheric elements enhances its menacing quality, while the guitar work remains intricate and powerful. Finally, “Silenced Voices of Holy” wraps up the album with a blend of crushing riffs and eerie undertones. The track builds to a dramatic finish, showcasing Overthrust’s ability to blend brutality with a sense of narrative. It’s a fitting conclusion to an album that consistently delivers on its promise of raw, uncompromising death metal. Infected By Myth is a relentless exploration of death metal, with each track offering something unique while maintaining a cohesive sound. Overthrust has crafted an album that not only pays homage to the genre’s past but also pushes it forward with a fresh and aggressive approach.

Get In Touch with OVERTHRUST on official website, Facebook, Spotify, Bandcamp, YouTube, Instagram,

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